Advertise my site

Helpful hints on advertising you website.
Now you have one up and running.

The first thing you really need to do is get listed with This is the grand daddy of all search engine databases that Google especially takes notice of. Now this won't happen overnight, but should happen. The reason to get listed here is that search engines rate links to your site on a scale of "credibilty". No1 in credibility is Dmoz. Simple as that. Sites hosted with Google are of course on a No1 site. Now, don't get this confused with getting ranked No1 on Google. HUGE DIFFERENCE. That's a totally different story. There is a list of No1 sites available which will be posted when i get hold of it. Basically how it works is if Google has a Page Rank No1 site and something on that site has a link to your site it helps you. These sites are ranked number in Google's eyes because they are "credibile". Get it?

Many Search Engine Optimization sites say they can get you up there using PR2 links.. some may well be able to do this. The internet is abound with not so scrupulous characters and not all are as they seem. So it is back to the old saying " Buyer Beware" when being told "we can get you to No1 or No2 on Google Guaranteed". Without being defamatory to anyone, it is possible but not going to happen next week.

Ok we have got our name on now try these simple tips.

Create an email signature file.  A signature file is a simple way to have your logo seen. Do you offer free ebooks etc on your site? Put a small offer into the signature file. Don't forget your Phone number, website address and any other detail necessary.

Tell a friend.  This is a good way to get qualified leads if you are selling something. By a visitor telling one of their friends they will be more likely to visit the site the friend was on.

Submit your site to Search Engines. Many search engines search each other as well as look for new and interesting things on the web. Most search engines are free so all you need to do is spend a little time submitting you site to as many as will accept your site.

Offer free classifieds in the sidebar of your site. If the adverts are suitable they will help drive visitors to your site with enquiries. After all if you are selling something on your site the best way to get sales is with exposure. The more the merrier i always say.

Finally a guy called Mathew Bell has spent considerable time researching these things and maybe you should give him a look in at Matt Bell